You are worth being pursued.


By Erin McNew | Staff Writer

Photo credit: Jenny Haas Photography

You’re beautiful. Has anyone told you that lately? Because that fact stands independent of others’ recognition. You are beautiful. The way you live and the way you love make you unique and special. They’re direct indicators and effects of God’s love for you and of the work He’s doing in your life at this very moment. I know it can be easy to lose sight of. But I promise you, beauty is a quality that can be ascribed to your existence on any and every given day.

You’re special to God. He knows you. He knows the imperfections in your smile, the quirks evident in your eyes, and just what puts a spring in your step. He is well acquainted with the way you live. And He’s forever pleased with being invited to be a part of your life.

Sometimes I feel as if we spend our lives just waiting to be noticed. And we neglect to recognize that we are. We always have been. Whether we were vying for the attention of others or shying away from it, we were forever basking in the attention of our Eternal Father. He’s complimentary when we need it, supportive when we’re falling, and loving always. He’s our ultimate friend. And he sees things in us we sometimes fail to see in ourselves. He sees beauty where we see imperfection. He sees life where we see death. He sees hope where we see despair. He’s always whispering those things in our ear that we long to hear from others.

I sometimes find myself questioning why God isn’t enough for us. Why we long for the affirmation of others over His. Why we seek the help of others before we ever reach our knees. Why it takes being down to nothing to utilize our most incredible resource and Friend. I know I’m just as guilty of it as anyone else. I know that in the light of claiming to be a good and loyal Christian, I sometimes chose to remain in the darkness of solitary. I chose not to turn to God. I talk to other people and expect them to lead me to answers that are known only by the heart of Christ. I turn into myself because I don’t think anyone will understand. And, deep down, I know those tendencies are fruitless. Whether driven by laziness, mistrust, unfamiliarity, or discomfort, I know they are representations of faults in my faith life.

With imperfections abound, Christ’s love for us stands in stark contrast. It stands an image of perfection. When we fail to see ourselves the way Christ sees us, when we fail to love Him rightly as He does us, when we fail to recognize His importance, He never fails. He is perfect. He is recognizing. His sight is clear. His love is pure. He is forever pursuing us.

The ache of singlehood can be a strong ache for some. As women we desire and yearn to be wanted, cherished and loved by a man. We desire to communicate and share our hearts and lives with someone. To be happy and to love life with a best friend. If we stop for a moment and reflect on our lives, do we love and spend time with our Father, the giver of love and all things? Do we believe that He hasn’t forgotten about us? And that He has the perfect love story written just for you? Let God pursue you so that the man He has for you will find you in His heart. Because I promise you this dear one, you are worth being pursued by a man. 

“He counts the number of the stars; he gives names to all of them.” – Psalm 147:4

P.S. You are enough.

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